Journeying Into Spring: an Equinox Meditation
Happy Spring Equinox! And what a Winter it has been. As we embrace the astrological and Earth based changes that are emerging and escalating around us, we also confront the inner lingering effects of this time of storms, cold, and inward dreaming. I offer the following meditation as a suggestion that each of us take a moment to honor our rebirth into the season of Spring, and acknowledge the unseen movements within that are leading us towards rejuvenation. Breathe in and breathe out. Follow along with your imagination, if you will…
In the Winter months, Mother Gaia calls us to go within. She purifies us with rain. She quiets us, like children, with the dark. And she brings the cold, to keep us still, inviting us to set aside our outward activities, in favor of dreaming.
You stand now on the threshold of Winter and Spring, and here the Mother calls to you again. Feel your feet on the ground. Visualize, beneath you, the soft mud and sparse new grasses that have come after the blessing of rain. You feel your feet sink slightly, as the Earth receives your weight, and it is cool and fresh on your bare feet. You become aware of a vibration, a movement deeper underground that rises into you, like a pulsing energy. You recall that the March full moon is called the Worm Moon, and realize now that the vibration is a cleansing, a catalyst moving you towards the call of Spring. Deep beneath your feet, the worms are making the soil fertile and rich. They are consuming the decay and stagnation of the past months, and transforming it into the perfect conditions for new things to grow.
As the vibration of their movement enters you, you as well begin to move. A path appears before you and you want to follow. You walk, or you dance, or you crawl, but you keep moving. Mother Gaia is calling you towards Spring. She asks you to embrace the rains, which now gently fall again, as you travel on your path. She asks you, “What have you cleansed within yourself this Winter? Where were your personal floods, your excesses? Where were your draughts, your lack and longing?…
What have you released? And through this process, what part of you is now being renewed?”
You walk and you listen to the voice within you. The Mother guides you on. The rain subsides and the darkness comes. The landscape around you changes. The New Moon makes room for the twinkling of stars above you, and there is an air of magic in the forest. You begin to dream. Mother Gaia asks you “What dreams have come to you this Winter?…What seeds of hope and intention are you holding?”
You look to your hands and see that you are carrying a few small seeds of light. What will these seeds flower in your life, if you nurture them? What will they need in order to grow? Will you plant them, when the time is right?
The air now gets cold and crisp. It becomes harder to walk as the winds come, but ahead you see a light at the end of the path. It is a small cabin, and it glows with warmth. You keep moving towards it, until you arrive at the doorstep. A garden of flowers surrounds you, and you catch the scent of rosemary as you step up to the door. It opens, and the loving image of Mother Gaia stands before you, inviting you to come in from the cold. She wraps you in a blanket of moss and wool and sits you down by a warm and crackling fire. You feel nourished, as you drink the tea of warming herbs she’s prepared for you. She asks you to thaw. Where have you become frozen this Winter? What inside you has become stagnant or stuck? Will you let it melt away now? Will you allow for new movement?
The Mother says: “Warm and awaken, my dear child! It is time to blossom.” She places her hand over yours and you feel your seeds begin to stir. Small shoots sprout and begin to grow. You hold them tenderly and she guides you to the doorway, knowing you are ready to plant them. She opens the door and light enters. Blossoms fill the air, along with the gentle warmth of Spring. The Mother takes your cloak and guides you forward. You have her blessing. Now it is up to you.
You follow the path back, now noticing the green of new life and Spring flowers. Your seeds are eager to be planted, and they whisper to you what they will create, and what they will need in order to bloom.
You listen…
You trust yourself…
You emerge in the softness of Springtime.
You embrace the balance between inner nurturing and new growth.
You prepare to walk into this new season with intention.
You walk your path home to yourself renewed.
You weave your intentions in to life’s greater rhythm, ever dancing with the magic of annual rebirth.
May it be so, and may it be beautiful.
-This blog was written by Melusina Gomez, originally for publication with the eleventh house.